30 July, 2023, 1.00 pm – 5.30 pm
All events are free and open to the public. No registration is required.

Halifax Central Library
(5440 Spring Garden Road, Halifax NS B3J 1E9)

Can mathematics be playful, can it be fun? Can mathematics be intriguing, attractive, amazing and magical, even for those who did not think it was the most inspiring class at school?

We give it a try at Bridges Halifax 2023 Family Day & Math-Art Expo! Come and experience it yourself!

In 2023, the Bridges Conference, the largest mathematics and art interdisciplinary conference in the world goes to the Dalhousie University and Halifax Central Library. We open the gates of the ivory tower of mathematics wider than ever and invite everyone of all ages to browse among the rich collection of artistic and scientific workshops and fun programs.

Our goal is to offer a math-art-experience, an on-site immersion into the fun-world of  mathematics and arts. The participants of the Bridges Conference, including artists, scholars and educators prepare interesting community activities, games, workshops, interactive demonstrations, presentations and a mathematical expo to provide the opportunity for everyone to enjoy various activities related to the main theme of the conference.

Bridges Halifax 2023 Conference Website (click)

3 Responses to INFORMATION

  1. Mari Laihonen says:

    The admission is free to all events of the Bridges Public day but do we have to register ourselves anyway if we attend only the public day? And if registration is needed how can we do it?

  2. Admission to Family Day at the National Museum of Finland is free for the attendants of the conference and for all under 18 year olds and with the finnish museum card (Museokortti). For others to attend to activities in the National Museum of Finland there is admission the fee of the museum (9,50-15€), that includes also the entrance to all exhibitions.
    – Hanna // The National Museum of Finland

  3. Eve Torrence says:

    There is no need to register for the Bridges conference if you only want to attend Family Day. All Family Day events are free and open to the public. The Art Exhibition in Medjuck Hall will also be open to the public on July 30. There is also a free public lecture on the recent discovery of an aperiodic monotile on July 17 at 8 pm in the Irving Auditorium.

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